Last week I did a ritual I always do at this time of year, which feels so grounding and supportive. I went through and updated my 2025 calendar with the exact dates of all the Solstices and Cross-Quarter days, or Sabbats. I also add each full moon and new moon, as well as mercury retrograde periods.
I am by no means an astrologer, but I have been a follower of solar, lunar, and planetary cycles for a long time now. This practice helps me orient myself as a tiny little being existing within these grand cosmic and earthly cycles. It is a main part of my earth-based spiritual practice.
With Solstices and Equinoxes, we are used to celebrating them on slightly different dates, depending the exact position of the Sun each year.
When it comes to the Cross-Quarter Sabbat days, there are also exact dates for each, when the Sun is exactly half-way between a Solstice or Equinox. Those are the dates that I personally like to mark down in my calendar, because I like the constant reminder throughout the year that Mother Nature will never be contained to any kind of exact predictable human schedule. It helps me to align even deeper to her cycles and rhythms which is central to my practice.
That said, many choose to celebrate and honor these in between days on the modern traditional dates, which are the same each year. I will share both, because it is ultimately up to you!
Cross quarter days also have different names depending on your tradition. I practice the Irish Celtic earth based ways and am using the traditional Gaelic name for each. Also these dates are for the Northern Hemisphere.
Winter Solstice: December 21st
Imbolc: February 3rd (exact) February 1st (traditional)
Spring Equinox: March 20th
Beltaine: May 5th (exact) May 1st (traditional)
Summer Solstice: June 20th
Lughnasadh: August 5th (exact) August 1st (traditional)
Autumn Equinox: September 22nd
Samhain: November: 6th (exact) October 31st (traditional)
Winter Solstice: December 21st
As you know
and I have a collaboration called Dream Weaving, which is specifically curated to support folks with understanding these seasonal shifts on a deeper level through journey meditation, reiki & sound.Our next online session is going to be this Thursday December 19th at 7p. We like to say - “come, take a trip with us”, because past participants have shared that the the synergy of these three modalities catalyzes an experience that can be as powerful as any psychedelic journey, but much gentler on the mind, body and spirit.
Also, I will be back at West Side Yoga 208 for a NYE edition Alchemia Sound! Tuesday December 31st at 6p. Last year sold out very quickly, so scoop a ticket if you’d like to join for a sound bath before (or instead of!) your usual NYE festivities.
Dream Weaving: Seeds of Light | Zoom Conference Call
December 19, 2024 | $22 | 7pm-8:30pm EST
Welcome to a sacred celebration of Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice—a powerful turning point on the Wheel of the Year and a time to honor the return of the light. As the longest night of the year gives way to the promise of lengthening days, we are invited to reflect on the cycles of darkness and light, rest and renewal, and the gifts that emerge from this season of stillness.
Imagine yourself at this liminal moment, akin to the quiet pause just before dawn, when the world is hushed, and the first rays of sunlight begin to peek over the horizon. Yule is a time to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun and to set intentions for the seeds we wish to nurture as the light grows stronger in the coming months.
In this gathering, we will journey together through meditation and sound to honor this sacred turning of the seasons. Guided by Asa, you will embark on a journey meditation, exploring the depths of your being to reflect on what has come to fruition, what needs to rest, and what you are ready to cultivate in the new cycle.
Meanwhile, Nicole will weave a tapestry of sound, enveloping you in the ethereal vibrations of crystal alchemy singing bowls, melodic vocals, and koshi chimes. As you bask in this symphony of healing resonance, Asa will infuse the space with the restorative energy of Reiki, nurturing and supporting you on your journey of introspection and renewal.
Together, we will embrace the themes of Yule—restoration, rebirth, and the gradual awakening of hope—illuminating the path toward our next evolution. This is a time for deep inner work and quiet celebration, so come as you are, dressed in comfy attire fit for a journey of the soul. Bring with you a journal or notebook, as well as something to write with. Let us honor the magic of Yule and emerge ready to manifest our dreams as the light returns to the world.
*Note: no one will be turned away for lack of funds, just reach out to us directly here: